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Psalm 23

Psalm 23

And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd. -- Ezekiel 34:5 (KJV)
“Scattering is a result of the absence of a shepherd. Destinies become fragmented in the absence of a shepherd, and visions are destroyed because of the absence of a shepherd. The primary goal of this book is for you to receive the Lord into your life as the Shepherd, the Good Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd.
“Secondly, there is a need for a clear understanding among believers that the absence of growth in our walk with God means the presence of decay in our spiritual life. Growth is required, healthy growth is essential, and consistent growth is a necessity in our walk with God.
“Your current level is never the final level of Christian growth. There is always more to God than your current place or position in Him. LET’S GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL!”
— Emmanuel Umosen
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