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I Can Do This (Kindle)

I Can Do This (Kindle)

I Can Do This (Kindle)
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I Can Do This ... When we say things like this, is it just what we commonly call “hype?” Are we just “psyching ourselves up” to do better than we really think we can? Is it just another false expectation that will fail like others before it and which, therefore, is just setting us up for even more heartache? If we speak such words and have nothing to back them up, the author shows us, that may well be the case. Boasting to ourselves or to others of what we can do often ends in little more than added disappointment. But when we are basing our statement on the promises of God, all things become possible to us.

All of us have received many promises from God about our future, but, at the same time, some of us can barely get through the day. This book is dedicated to those people who struggle just to put one foot in front of the other and go forward. In its pages they will read of many others who faced similar situations and not only survived, but even thrived. This book will help you overcome life's seemingly impossible situations.
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