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Divinely Dysfunctional

Divinely Dysfunctional

Divinely Dysfunctional
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“A word that I hear used a lot in today’s society is dysfunctional. This word is talked about on television, radio, Internet and even around the water cooler. It’s used to describe a person or group of people, often a family, with issues. The dictionary defines dysfunctional as ‘not normal or not functioning properly.’ But in a world of 7 billion people and counting, where no two individuals even have the same fingerprints, how can what’s ‘normal’ be determined?
“We are all unique. Consider also that no two people have the same dental imprint. Some are tall, some are small, some are thick, and some are thin. So, what’s normal? And what’s abnormal? How is normal or abnormal determined? Who can determine whether a person is normal or not? What criteria is to be used?
“I’m not suggesting that some behaviors aren’t outside of acceptable lines. Some certainly are! I’m merely presenting the idea that everyone different from me or you should not automatically be labeled as ‘dysfunctional.’ Perhaps they are ‘diff-functional’ (my word, which means that they function differently than others.)
“Hope for those considered to be dysfunctional ... that’s what this book is all about, hope for those who have been labeled by society and considered to be not useful, having no worth, being not much more than throwaways, unusable. The characters I write about here seemed to be dysfunctional, but they were people just like you and me who found a hope that had been looking for them all along. And hope is looking for you too. I pray this book helps bring the two of you together.”
Benton T. Thompson, III
Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Average rating from 4 reviews: 5.0
Divinely DysfunctionalI was “Bountifully Blessed” through the reading of this book! It is wonderfully written; an easy-read; and gives a new twist on some of the “greatest” characters, and biblical stories in the Bible! Yet, it is written in a way that even young readers would be able to understand the message. I started reading it, and within hours I had completed it from cover to cover! (I simply COULD NOT put it down!)
Thank you, Man of God, for the encouraging words of “life” that anyone who picks up this book would receive; to know that they are NOT alone, and that it’s okay to be “Divinely Dysfunctional”.
Amen! Amen! And Amen!
Written by Tonya Heyliger on Wed 24 Jun 2020 12:13:53 PM GMT
Divinely DysfunctionalThrough Divinely Dysfunctional, the author provides wisdom, and insight with a modern twist to remind us that we are all different, yet we have a purpose. His eloquent words of encouragement awaken the spirit, and entice you to look within.
The book is an easy read with a powerful message. Well Done Sir!
Written by Diana Gallagher on Sat 21 Oct 2017 1:17:17 PM GMT
Divinely DysfunctionalPlease prayerfully consider writing a Divinely Dysfunctional Study Guide! Reading Divinely Dysfunctional literally keeps me at the edge of my seat 💺! Turning pages wanting more and more! Reading God's Word in this format deepens my personal appreciation and stirs afresh my love for the Word of God! Thank you so much for sharing God's Word! Written by Zelma Ellison on Sun 23 Jul 2017 6:41:39 PM GMT
Divinely DysfunctionalI just read a powerful book that kept me intrigued with the message and the vehicle used to deliver this captivating work. Dysfunctional may be different but not unworthy. Treat yourself to this message of
hope in Divinely Dysfunctional.
Written by C.Woods on Mon 17 Jul 2017 11:47:23 PM GMT
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