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Take Off Your Grave Clothes ... The Funeral Is OVER

Take Off Your Grave Clothes ... The Funeral Is OVER

Take Off Your Grave Clothes ... The Funeral Is OVER
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“At one point on my own personal journey, in the early 1990’s, I suddenly found myself in the grips of despondency and depression, brought on through divorce by deception. As amazing as it seems, this book was conceived in my heart by the Spirit of the Lord during that time. I suddenly found myself in filthy grave clothes. I had no husband, was terminated from my job, had only a meager income derived from designing bath towels, no medical coverage and no visible means of support. Forsaken by so-called friends and ostracized by family members, I had nothing to fall back on except the promises of God.
“With all of this, the Spirit of Grace was saying to me, ‘Sonia, it’s time to come unbound from your grave clothes of past hurts and pains, emotional traumas, life-threatening illnesses, spiritual disappointments and mental anguish. Receive My healing and deliverance. It’s your season NOW. Mature in it, and stay the course. You can’t run away from your past, but you can live in today. My presence is your present. Trust me!’ And that is what I had to do. This, then, is my story.” -- Sonia A. Wells
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